CHAN SPA The outbreak of Covid-19 took us in difficulties . After-Covid-19, our economy is in serious impacts . And Chan Spa was opened in such that context, when the whole country began to rebuild. Opened from June 2023, Chan Spa with the desire to create value for Nha Trang tourism and the Spa industry. Wishing to contribute to promoting the tourism economy, Chan Spa has always tried to improve service quality every day to leave a good impression in the hearts of customers.
Chan Spa has acquired its own brand. Ours is an inspirational story. Founding owner and group Chairman, Ms Bui My Tram, and h team dreamt of building a professional boutique Spa group founded on superb customer service. Working hard, knowing how to take risks, natural instinct and sheer love of creating wonderful luxurious memories exceeding expectations were, and are our trademark.